From the time of its discovery, gemstone amazed millions of people with its shine and shimmer. They have their unique looks and color which attract the attention of many people. It was almost certain that gemstones will find their place in jewelry. Some of the gemstones used extensively are moonstone jewelry, Birthstone, labradorite, and opal stone. Some people have a hobby of collecting gemstones while some think of it as an investment opportunity that will make a lot of money in the time to come. But if you are going for any of the above-mentioned things, you must have the proper knowledge and ability to differentiate between a genuine gemstone and its imitation. Always demand a certificate of authenticity while you buy gemstones online.
You need to identify the color, cut, size, and weight of the gemstone among other things. To get a better understanding of these aspects, particularly before you invest in gemstone, it is highly recommended to learn what you can by reading books or going online. In this article, we are going to discuss some features of the gemstone which will help you identify genuine specimens.
Gemstone color:
When you buy gemstone jewelry online you need to keep in mind that top-of-the-line gemstones have
colors similar to all of the colors of a rainbow - violet, blue, green, yellow,
and orange. Beware of gemstone colors that are hazy, soft or those which appear
somewhat darker as this will lower their value. Color is considered, one of the
most significant features, therefore, you must factor this in, when selecting loose
gemstones or diamond gemstones.
Gemstone clarity:
This is another significant feature to consider when
purchasing loose gemstones or diamond gemstones. Clarity is generally
referred to as the number of inclusions that a gemstone contains such as, large
particles of other elements or minerals. The more perfect the gemstone, the
more precious it will be. To find out clarity, a 10X gemstone clarity magnifier
or gem microscope is essential, as it would be most tricky to determine clarity
with the naked eye.
Gemstone cut:
Insofar as, loose diamond gemstones, the cut is also a particularly
significant aspect that must be considered during the assessment of not only
loose diamond gemstones but also the other gemstones you mean to buy.
Professionally cut gemstones found in online gemstone store will
automatically display the normal, inherent color of the gemstone and also show
its precise proportions and symmetry. To determine the excellence of the
gemstone cut, try to observe how well it reflects light throughout the gem's